Driving railway vehicles
- Driving rail vehicles biaxial - line 211
- Driving rail vehicles triaxial - A 314
- Driving rail vehicles quadriaxial - A 415
Special driving railway vehicles for light shunting and manipulation with railway wagons designed to ensure technological production operator onsite loading and unloading takes place.Cable shunting devices
Cable shunting devices is designed for the rail cars shunting during their loading and unloading at the sidings, filling stations of liquid products and terminals. The device is able, according to the local conditions, to put in move and to brake the rail cars set with the total weight of up to 2500 t, device PZ 15 of up to 500 tons in both directions.Special equipment
- Dynamic manipulator HW1E
- Electromechanical Train Wheel Stopper EMVZ-02
- Rail locking mechanism KAM-60-8
The dynamic manipulator HW1E has been developed for the wagons rotary tipplers with aim to catch and stop incoming loaded wagons, their appropriate arrangement, and once they are unloaded, their pull out. An important condition is the observance of the velocity of incoming wagons, which can be guaranteed.
Electromechanical Train Wheel Stopper EMVZ-02 has been developed for places on marshalling yards and railway sidings, where the track operator regularly secures the wagons with a wheel stopper.
Rail locking mechanism KAM-60-8 is intended for locking and holding stationary railway wagons on inclined lines during operation with individual wagons.
Kolejové pohony, a.s.
Company ID: 016 27 465, Company VAT ID: CZ01627465, The Company is registered for business in the Registrar of Companies administered by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Court File No. B 10454
Mostárenská 2917/40703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice
Czech Republic
e-mail: info@kolejovepohony.czContact us
Job title | |||
Name | Position | Phone | |
Martin Řezníček | Chief Executive Officer | reznicek@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 840 |
Vít Obdržálek | Member of the Board | obdrzalek@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 606 258 057 |
Leo Uhlík | CFO | uhlik@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 777 053 138 |
David Ryška | Business Director | ryska@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 841 |
Kazimír Prymus | Business Manager | prymus@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 842 |
Zdeněk Hilšer | Business Manager | hilser@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 843 |
Patrik Pospíšil | Project Manager | pospisil@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 845 |
Jiří Jandora | Designer | jandora@kolejovepohony.cz | +420 601 302 844 |